The Psalms are praises and prayers of God’s people. When we cannot sing praise, the Psalms will help us to sing. When we cannot pray, the Psalms will give us words to pray. Psalm 110 is the early church’s favorite Psalm. Psalm 110 is the most quoted Old Testament text in the New Testament. Why was it such a beloved text? Because it is all about Jesus the Messiah. Because it contains the Gospel. Like the whole Bible, the Psalms are ultimately about Jesus the Messiah. Psalm 110 presents Jesus as the exalted King who sits at the right side of the Almighty God. Jesus is the Victor, triumphant over all his enemies, including death. Jesus is also the coming Judge who will crush the rulers of this world in his wrath and judge the nations in righteousness. And God’s wrath is terrifying. But the good news is that Jesus is also a priest in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus has offered himself in the Holy of Holies and obtained for us God’s forgiveness so that we will escape God’s wrath.