December 26: “Following Jesus as Our Lord” (Luke 2:25-38)

This year’s theme was Christ the Center. It was about following Christ in all areas of our lives as our Lord. In today’s text, we see how three characters followed and honored Jesus as their Lord. Living for Christ involves depending on the Holy Spirit, taking a stand for Christ, suffering for Christ, and telling […]

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December 19: “The Great Reversal” (Luke 1:39-56)

Mary praises God not only for the reversal of her fortune but also for God’s reversal of the curse of the Fall. Jesus’ reign means that the poor are lifted from poverty, the barren are fruitful, the oppressed are liberated, the hungry are filled, and the lowly are exalted. Jesus restores the world back to […]

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December 12: “At Last, a Good King!” (Luke 1:26-38)

The angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will bear a son who will be a king, the Son of God, and the Son of the Most High, whose kingdom will never end. Unlike Zachariah, Mary responds to God’s word with a strong faith. Do we believe that God’s word is infallible?

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