Author Archive: Cornerstone Church
Easter Sunday: “And Their Eyes Were Opened” (Luke 24:13-35)
Our earthly lives are often weighed down by doubt and fear, and such distractions can make us lose focus on God. At the same time, however, God draws nearer to us in those moments when fear threatens us. How can we recognize this and learn to see the risen Christ in our lives?
Continue readingApril 5: “The Tabernacle Points to Jesus, the Lamb of God” (Exodus 40:34-35)
We were made for an eternal relationship with God. But the tabernacle that Moses built for Israel could not cultivate that relationship. The true tabernacle is Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice allowed us to enter God’s holy presence. The Lord’s heart is to dwell with His people, but is our heart the same?
Continue readingMarch 29: “But You Have Come to Mount Zion” (Hebrews 12:18-24)
The Hebrews at Mount Sinai tried to approach God through good works, but soon returned to their sinful ways. Their covenant failure teaches us that true spiritual growth comes through faith. Do we live like the Hebrews at Sinai, or do we savor in the work of Christ and focus our hearts on God’s kingdom […]
Continue readingMarch 22: “The True Bread” (Exodus 16:13-15, John 6:27-33, 47-51)
It is human nature to try to provide as much as we can for ourselves, rather than trust in what God provides every day. But the road to salvation means accepting Jesus as the ultimate provision. Our earthly bread perishes, but the Lord’s bread gives us eternal life.
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