Author Archive: Cornerstone Church
November 15: “Isaiah and Immanuel” (Isaiah 6:1-8, 13)
Isaiah Chapters 1-5 is mostly about God’s judgment. Chapters 7 to 12 are focused on the hope of Immanuel. Isaiah’s call at chapter 6, which serves as a bridge between the two sections, is a message for the nation of Israel. When Isaiah saw God’s holiness, he had a new awareness of sin, new cleansing, […]
Continue readingNovember 8: “The Faithful City” (Isaiah 1:1, 21-26)
Isaiah’s time was one of immense political upheaval. The central theological question Isaiah poses is “What will Judah ultimately put their trust in? Will they follow the ways of the nations around her? Or will they trust in the Holy One of Israel? Will Jerusalem be the faithless city or the faithful city?” That is […]
Continue readingOctober 25: “Shalom and Race” (Ephesians 2:14-18)
Any work of reconciliation, including racial reconciliation, is based on the work of Jesus on the cross. If we demand that the victims forgive their oppressors, but do not demand anything from the perpetrators, we are distorting the gospel. The cross was not only God’s work of forgiveness, but also God’s work of justice. The […]
Continue readingOctober 11: “Shalom for Families” (Genesis 50:15-21)
Joseph had a broken family. He was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. Though he was the victim, God used Joseph to bring shalom to his family. What do we need to bring shalom to all families? In Joseph’s story, we see that we need good government, the heart to forgive, and the […]
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