Author Archive: Cornerstone Church
April 11: “Life in His Name” (John 20:19-31)
One Sunday is not enough to celebrate Easter. So let’s celebrate Easter one more time! Today’s text reveals three meanings of Christ’ resurrection. First, it means shalom for all creation. Second, it means eternal life for all who believe. Third, it means that Jesus is Lord! Is Jesus the center of your world?
Continue readingApril 4: “Show Yourself to the World!” (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
Did you ever wonder why the risen Christ showed himself only to 500 believers? Why didn’t the risen Christ show himself to the unbelieving Jews and Romans? Wouldn’t that be much more convincing? Jesus already gave us an answer in one of his parables. In his story of the rich man and Lazarus, Moses says […]
Continue readingGood Friday 2021: “It is Finished” (John 19:28-30)
According to John, the last word of Jesus on the cross was “it is finished.” What exactly was accomplished? Three things: payment, defeat, and reconciliation. The payment for our sins have been completed. The devil and death has been defeated. The reconciliation between enemies and between God and the whole creation.
Continue readingMarch 28: “The Last Temptation of Jesus” (Luke 23:32-43)
There were three insults hurled at Jesus on the cross. The insults contained the voice of the devil, tempting Jesus to abandon the cross. Jesus did not give into the last temptation. But he stayed on the cross to die as a ransom for many. The cross seemed to be Jesus’ moment of weakness and […]
Continue readingMarch 21: “Peter’s Denial” (John 13:36-14:1)
All four Gospel authors tell us about the denial of Peter. Peter’s failure shows the reality that all of us fail, that we can trust Jesus in the midst of our failures, and that we are loved despite our failures. Peter’s failure and restoration tell us the good news of God’s grace.
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