Author Archive: Cornerstone Church
November 27: “Receiving Grace Through Prayer” (Matthew 6:5-6, Acts 2:42)
Another means which God uses to pour out his grace to us is prayer. Our model for prayer is Jesus. Jesus prayed alone in solitary places, and he prayed with others. We also need to pray privately and corporately. There are many blessings of prayer, but the greatest blessing is that we get to know […]
Continue readingNovember 20: “What Are We Thankful For?” (Colossians 1:1-5, Psalm 118:27-29)
Scholars who study gratitude discovered that those who regularly write down things for which they are thankful experience a wide range of personal benefits. In this Thanksgiving season, what are we thankful for? We can thank God for any growth of faith, love and hope among God’s people at CCSV and ourselves. Most of all, […]
Continue readingNovember 13: “Receiving Grace Through Fellowship” (Hebrews 10:24-25, James 1:19-20)
Another channel through which God pours out his grace is the church, the covenant community. We are to be to each other a means of divine favor. How can we be a means of God’s grace? First, we need to be in close proximity. Second, we seek the benefit of the other. Third, we spur […]
Continue readingNovember 6: “Receiving Grace Through the Word” (Deuteronomy 8:2-3, Psalm 1:1-3)
The purpose of the spiritual disciplines is to enjoy God and receive God’s grace. There are many spiritual disciplines but they all boil down to these three: Word, Prayer & Community. The most fundamental discipline is that of meditating and practicing God’s word. In order to be shaped by God’s word, we need to preach […]
Continue readingOctober 30: “Why Do We Need Courage?” (Genesis 39:1-21)
GUEST SPEAKER: Pastor Barnaby Lee
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