OT Marathon Jan 3 & 4

January 3 Genesis 7:1 – 10:32  (1st Reading) 7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of […]

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OT Marathon – January 1 and 2

Introduction to Genesis Genesis provides the foundation for the entire Bible in its history and theology. Genesis means the beginning. Except for the beginning of God, it tells us the beginnings of the universe, life, humanity, marriage, family, sin, civilization, nations, and Israel. Genesis has 50 chapters and it is about four events and four […]

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2014 OT Marathon – Introduction

Welcome to 2014 OT Marathon May the Lord bless you for your desire to know him better through the Old Testament. After we read the entire Old Testament, we will read through the New Testament in 2015. After reading the OT, reading the NT will be a piece of cake. However, reading the entire OT […]

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12/29th- Food Serving at Cityteam

Please join for the food serving at Cityteam for homeless. We leave at 3pm from the church.

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