Author Archive: Cornerstone Church
February 16: “The Practice of Reading the Bible” (Luke 24:25-35)
Some people wonder how the Bible was formed. Why did some books become part of the Bible while others did not? We will consider some criteria. But the more important question is: “How can we be formed by the Bible?” We read the Bible not for information, but for formation. We are shaped into the […]
Continue readingFebruary 9: “Speak Lord, For Your Servant is Listening” (1 Samuel 3:1-10, 21)
Today’s text begins with a comment that the word of the Lord was rare at the time. Did God refrain from speaking? In contrast to mute idols, God speaks to people in each generation. But the word was rare because God’s people were not listening. Listening to God is not really about technique but more […]
Continue readingFebruary 2: “Three Disciplines of Grace” (John 15:5-8 & 1 Corinthians 15:9-10)
To remain in Jesus, we need to practice the disciplines of the Word and prayer; these two are the most important disciplines. The other two disciplines we need to grow are fellowship and witnessing. This year we will focus our attention on the disciplines of the Word and prayer first, and then on witnessing. The […]
Continue readingJanuary 26: “The Discipline of Quiet & Solitude” (Mark 1:35-38)
The spiritual disciplines are the practices of Jesus that open us up to receive God’s grace. We need to develop the habits of Jesus to be more like him. The most important disciplines are the meditation of the Word and prayer. That’s how we deepen our relationship with God. Jesus habitually went into solitary places […]
Continue readingJanuary 19: “An Easy Yoke and A Light Burden” (Matthew 11:28-30)
In contrast to the heavy yoke of the Pharisees, Jesus offers us an easy yoke. Taking the yoke of Jesus means submitting ourselves under his teaching and adopting his way of life. We are to live like Jesus with his heart, character, habits, and purpose. That’s where the disciplines of grace come into play. Through […]
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