LAST UPDATED: March 24, 2025
Latino-Americana Communidad: Starting in April, the Latino-Americana Communidad — a New Church Development in our Presbytery — will be renting our Small Chapel (College Room) every Monday evening for a 6-month Bible study.
2025 Spring Bible Study: Sundays @ 1:15 PM
Join us in the College Room for our ongoing Bible study series, titled “The Good News of God’s Kingdom: The Bible in 8 Chapters”.
Lent Prayers: Wednesdays @ 7 PM
Let’s gather on Wednesdays during Lent to pray and spend time with God as a church body.
(This week, we will meet in the College Room.)
Young Adult Large Group Meeting: 3/28 Friday @ 7:30 PM
Please join us in the College Room for a great evening of praise, prayer, and discussion.
Snacks will be provided, so if you’re a college senior or above, we invite you to come (and please bring your friends)!
2025 Spring Membership Class: 3/30 Sunday @ 2:15 PM
Our membership class continues this coming Sunday. If you are interested in joining our CCSV family, there’s still time to complete the membership interest form and inform one of the AFC members (Woo, Joseph, or Grace).
Volunteer Opportunity for Safe Parking: 3/31 Monday @ 6:30 PM
CCSV will provide dinner for our Safe Parking guests next Monday. If you would like to participate in preparing and serving the meal, please sign up on the Safe Parking sign-up sheet. Thank you!
Elder Office Hours: Sundays @ 12:30 PM
If you would like to speak to an elder and/or ask for prayer, please stop by Pastor Joe’s office every Sunday at 12:30-1:30 PM.
Reminder – Facility Guidelines: Let’s love our church by maintaining the church grounds. Please clean up after yourselves after food/snacks, re-organize rooms after use, keep lights/heater off when not in use, do not drop off donations without permission, etc. Thank you!
March Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 18:18-19
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.
If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.