
LAST UPDATED: February 17, 2025

Safe Parking Program: March 2025
Like last year, we are hosting safe parking guests in the month of March.
We encourage the same group of people to come on the same day each week. A quick volunteer orientation will be held right after service on March 2.

Psalms & Peaks: 2/22 Saturday @ 10 AM, Quicksilver Almaden County Park
We’re excited to introduce “Psalms & Peaks”, our new monthly church hiking club! This club is designed to help us memorize a Psalm per hike while enjoying God’s beautiful creation. Caring Board will provide a “Care-avan” with drinks, snacks, first aid, sunscreen, and more. Let’s explore, memorize scripture, and stay active together—see you on the trail!
Our first hike is this Saturday at Quicksilver Park (dog-friendly!). To sign up, you may reach out to Matthew, Jennifer, or John.
(After signing up, more information will be shared about the exact hiking location/address/parking. We anticipate this hike will take roughly 2 hours total.)

2025 Spring Bible Study: 2/23 – 4/6 Sundays @ 1PM
Join us in the sanctuary for a Bible study series, titled “The Good News of God’s Kingdom: The Bible in 8 Chapters”.
The format will be 30 min of reading a few texts and discussion, then 30 min of talk.

Ping Pong Tournament: 3/2 & 3/9
Our annual CCSV Ping Pong tournament will be held on the first two Sundays of March! (Sign-ups will take place this coming Sunday, February 23.)

Reminder – Facility Guidelines: Let’s love our church by maintaining the church grounds. Please clean up after yourselves after food/snacks, re-organize rooms after use, keep lights/heater off when not in use, do not drop off donations without permission, etc. Thank you!

Elder Office Hours: Sundays @ 12:30 PM
If you would like to speak to an elder and/or ask for prayer, please stop by Pastor Joe’s office every Sunday at 12:30-1:30 PM.

February Memory Verse: Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please contact us at
[email protected]