
College Bible Study

Sunday School

Who We Are
Our Vision: A gospel-centered, worshipping community striving to know Jesus and to make Him known.
We are a Gospel-Centered Church
CCSV is a church that is focused on the gospel of Christ: the good news of salvation through the atoning work of Christ on the cross and of His universal reign as Lord over our lives. We believe that this gospel is the center and foundation of our intimacy with God and true transformation in our lives to live like Christ.
We are a Worshipping Community
CCSV is a community that is brought together by the gospel. Our church worships together with all generations because our commonality is in Christ alone.
We Strive to Know Jesus
CCSV strives to know Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection. In a culture where truth is relative and subjective, we want to provide lifelong spiritual growth for our members that is founded on the infallible Word of God.
We Strive to Make Jesus Known
CCSV strives to be a church that embraces our community with the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that the gospel matters. We want to expand His kingdom by making disciples and teaching them to love God and to love those around them as Christ loves us.
Our Ministries
Disciple Making (Inner Mission)
◦ Becoming Like Christ (Disciple Making Curriculum)
◦ Small Groups
Proclaiming God's Work to the Next Generation (Vertical Mission)
◦ Sunday School
◦ Faith Begins at Home
Christ to All Nations (Horizontal Mission)
◦ Local Mission
◦ Global Mission